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life documentary film

Ram + Jaya

In this Life Documentary trailer, you will meet Ram and Jaya, a couple whose journey of love, resilience, and determination spans decades and continents.


Married in India, they immigrated to the United States in 1969 with only $8 to their name, relying on the kindness of friends and colleagues to find their footing in a new world. Ram, who contracted polio at the age of two, defied the odds to become a successful professor of physiology, while Jaya's unwavering support and strength guided their path.

Through stories of their childhoods, their traditional wedding ceremonies in India, and the incredible wisdom they've gained over the years, Ram and Jaya offer a glimpse into the challenges and triumphs of their immigrant experience.


After years of fertility heartbreak, their dream of parenthood was realized with the birth of their daughter, Akila, who remains the pride and joy of their lives.

This documentary celebrates the enduring spirit of a couple who have not only overcome immense obstacles but have also built a life of love, success, and family in a land far from where their story began.


I am honored to have had the opportunity to capture Ram + Jaya's stories, and truly had the best time with them!  While speaking about their challenges and obstacles they faced I was blown away by their positivity and calling to help others in need.  


What an amazing inspiration this couple is!


- Britt



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Positive Emissions is a photography and videography service based out of Des Moines, Iowa with mission to capture your parent and grandparent"s amazing life stories with filmed interviews and photos.  Make your grandparents and parents a priority before it's too late. 
Iowa Life Documentary Video
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"Creating real life documentaries about your closest loved ones"

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